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Tylenol8 Training Room

#Tylenol8 Training Room| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Let the Experts Help You Stay Motivated

Content provided byProfessional Team Physicians

Staying motivated.

Are you a "mouse potato" - you know, the kind of person who spends hours sitting in front of a computer screen? Mouse potatoes have joined the glut of couch potatoes who are in poor shape because of their sedentary lifestyle.

Time spent on the computer may be stimulating to your mind, but it's stagnating for your body. Think about it! The only physical exertion is to your fingers and hands as they tap the keyboard and move the mouse.

Maybe you try to exercise but haven't made it a regular part of your routine. You start an exercise program, but soon find yourself skipping more and more workouts. Then you find it has been weeks since you have broken a sweat. You are not alone. Research has shown that about half of those who begin an exercise program usually quit within six to 12 months.

Consistency is critical to the success of any exercise program. If you don't stick with it, you will never realize the many benefits that come with being physically active. So how can you stay motivated?

Here are some tips to help get you off the couch and away from the computer long enough to give your body the workout it needs to stay fit and healthy:

Get out of your rut -- If your exercise routine feels stale, it is time to take a fresh look and rethink how you can change things. Maybe you have been ignoring a whole range of exercises and equipment -- from free weights to rowing machines -- that could help stimulate your muscles and kick-start your cardiovascular system.

Meet with a personal trainer -- A qualified trainer can challenge you to try new things and make sure that your exercises are safe, effective and suited to your needs and goals. A personal trainer also provides motivation, holding you accountable for completing a workout session.

Change the time you exercise -- Perhaps you would be more alert at mid-morning rather than 6 a.m. Maybe you would be more focused at night after a hectic workday.

Publicize your plans -- Tell friends and family members that you are going to exercise regularly. Then, put it in writing -- specify how often you will exercise and what you will be doing. Make it a long-term plan, at least six months, in order for the routine to become an ingrained, permanent habit. The people you tell can provide support and encouragement. You won't want to let them -- or yourself -- down.

Reward yourself -- Set goals along the way and reward yourself as they are accomplished. Lost 10 pounds? Treat yourself to a new outfit. Jogged five miles? Schedule a pampering massage. If you don't meet a goal, determine a consequence for not meeting it -- such as no desserts for a week.

Do it together -- Recruit other mouse potatoes to exercise with you. Exercising with others doubles the chance you will keep at it. Plus, it makes exercise more fun and enables you to socialize with people that you might not see much of otherwise.

Make it enjoyable -- If you don't like the exercises you are doing, exercising is never going to work. If walking on a treadmill is boring to you, join an exercise class or hop on a bike. The activity you will stick with is the exercise that interests you.

Plan ahead -- One important way to overcome the hurdle of procrastination is to plan for exercise. Figure out what you need to do to prepare for the workout -- what clothes you will wear, what equipment you will need, where you will exercise, how you will get there, and when you will do it? Work out the details first.

Skip the excuses -- If you think you don't have time to exercise, add up the time that you spend sitting. Once you see how much you sit, you can figure how to fit in time for fitness, even if it is just a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood. Don't use fatigue or stress as an excuse. Exercise invigorates and relieves stress superbly.

Be realistic -- If you set your sights on insurmountable goals -- like have a model's figure or win a marathon - you will set yourself up for failure and quickly lose your motivation to exercise at all. Set realistic goals and be satisfied with the knowledge that the benefits will come with time.

Remind yourself of exercise's many perks:

Everything from mowing the lawn and playing ball to carrying groceries and climbing stairs becomes less taxing when you have been exercising regularly.

Light exercise has been shown to be very effective as a mood enhancer and stress reliever.

Aerobic exercise three times a week helps alleviate PMS symptoms.

Moderate exercise helps you fall asleep faster, sleep more soundly, and feel more rested in the morning.

Regular aerobic exercise helps arterial vessels retain their elasticity, which helps keep your heart healthy.

Exercise lowers cholesterol (both bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides).

It helps prevent many cancers by increasing your immune system function and lowering hormone levels, which reduces the risk of abnormal cell growth.

Vigorous weight-training sessions burn up to 12 calories per minute, which is about what you burn during a brisk run. Also, weight training builds muscle mass, which helps raise metabolism because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue.

A well-balanced weight-training routine increases bone density, which is especially important for older women, who are at risk of osteoporosis.

Exercise generally improves glucose tolerance, which is your body's ability to use glucose for energy as opposed to putting it in storage, perhaps as fat. That is one reason why exercisers are less likely to be overweight than a sedentary person is.



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